We understand very well how important it is for you to choose the institution that will care for your child.

In order to get to know us a bit better, here is a list of the most frequently asked questions, grouped by categories.

If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will gladly assist you.



What are the ages of the children accepted at our facility?

Children can be admitted from 3 months to 5 years old.

Do we have a space available for your child?

Yes, there are still a few availables spots per age bracket. We strongly recommend that you pay us a visit in order to discuss methods of payment.

Furthermore, this will give you an opportunity to see the quality of our establishment for yourself.

For an appointment, click here to contact us.



Can you meet the Headmistress?

Absolutely. She is always pleased to greet parents who wish to meet her. She loves to explain in person why she calls the children her "treasures."

For an appointment, click here to contact us.

What kind of training is given to the staff before they work with the children?

In order to ensure the safety of the children left into our care, applicants must first meet very strict and precise criteria. They will:

  • have no criminal record
  • be able to create and implement an educational program
  • provide approriate references Once we are convinced that they are a good candidates, we provide the training on :

  • internal policies

  • first aid
  • evacuation plan (in the case of emergencies) Finally, these people will work under supervision for a probation period in order for us to assess their behavior with the children.

What is the child to caregiver ratio?

The ratio depends on the group's age bracket:

  • Nursery g 1 for 4 children
  • 18 - 24 months g 1 for 6 children
  • 2 - 3 years g 1 for 8 children
  • 3 - 4 years g 1 for 8 children
  • 4 - 5 years g 1 for 10 children

Is our facility registered? Licensed? Accredited?

We are members of the AGPQ. Furthermore, we have a permit from the ministère de la famille et de l'enfance.



Are the children given a nutritious mid-morning and afternoon snack?

Yes, the children are given two nutritious snacks. Furthermore, these snacks are homemade.

N.B.: Due to the gravity of peanut allergies, peanuts are excluded from the menu at all times.

Are the children given a nutritious lunch?

Yes, the children are given a well-balanced hot meal prepared on-site especially for them.

N.B.: Due to the gravity of peanut allergies, peanuts are excluded from the menu at all times.

Can we adapt to provide special diets?

If necessary, we can adapt our menus to accomodate an allergy (or a religious belief).

If the child is being breast-fed, is there an adequate storage area for the milk?

Yes, a refrigerator is available in the nursery. Furthermore, we welcome mothers who wish to come breast-feed their child.

Are parents given a monthly menu?

The menu is posted at the entrance every week.



Is there a daily lesson plan for each age group?

Our educational program is designed to meet the needs of the children according to their age bracket and individual needs. The daily lesson plan is posted at the entrance for the parents to read.

N.B.: For more information regarding a specific age group, we recommend that you consult the relevant page on our website.

Are the children taken outside to play for a certain amount of time each day?

Weather permitting, the children spend approximately one hour outside every day.

Do we provide mattresses for the younger children at nap time?

In order to provide maximum comfort for the children, we provide a bed for every child. Furthermore, they all have clean sheets and a blanket with their name embroidered on it.

Babies are provided with a crib instead.

How are the children disciplined?

We believe that reasoning with the children and calling upon their common sense is the most efficient approach. When this fails, we use "time out." This being said, we put a great deal of emphasis on positive reinforcement.

Are the children given a great deal of love and encouragement?

That is all we do !

For example, we have implemented the "star board" to underline their achievements and to encourage them to keep up the good work.



Do all electrical sockets have safety covers?

Yes. Besides, most of them are high enough to be out of reach.

Does the playground meet safety standards?

Absolutely. For us, the child's safety is the most important factor.

Also, we are proud to say that our playground has just been renovated in order to provide a brand new modular section.

Is there a security system at the entrance to keep out intruders?

Yes. Every parent has his or her own code.

Furthermore, only a person specifically designated by the parents is allowed to pick up a child. We realize that this may be inconvenient in certain instances, but we feel that the safety of the children should prevail.

Are the gates and fences in good condition?

Like everything else in our institution, they are in excellent working order. They are checked regularly.

Are all chemicals, cleaning products and poisons kept out of reach of the children?

Products of this type are stored in specific locked areas. Only staff members have a key.

Is there a first aid kit?

There is a first aid kit in every classroom and there is another larger kit on every floor as well.

Are there smoke detectors?

Yes, there is a smoke detector in every room. Furthermore, there is a fire extinguisher and fire alarm on every floor.

Are fire exits clearly marked and caregivers knowledgeable in fire safety?

Fire exits are clearly identified and are accessible at all times. We also have an evacuation plan on every floor.

N.B.: A fire drill is carried out twice a year.

Are heating vents and radiators covered or inaccessible to children?

In order to eliminate this concern, we have installed a central heating system with ceiling ducts.



How often are the toys washed?

Baby toys are washed every day. For older children, toys are routinely washed every week. However, when a child is sick, we will wash the toys he or she has played with.

What product is used to wash the toys?

We use hypoallergenic and non-toxic products.

Is the furniture in good condition?

Absolutely. It is mandatory for us to provide a safe and healthy environment for the children. A picture is worth a thousand words, so we invite you to come for a virtual visit of our institution.

Do the caregivers use gloves when handling food?

Yes. Except in rare instances, our employees wear gloves.

Are the children taught to wash their hands before eating and after going to the bathroom?

Yes, the children are taught not only to wash their hands, but to brush their teeth after lunch.



Can parents drop in when they wish?

Yes, parents with children in our care are welcome at all times. For visitors, it is preferable to schedule an appointment to ensure that someone is available to show you around.

Do we ask parents to pick up their child when the child is feverish?

The policy is to contact parents to find out if they prefer to come and pick up the child or if we should administer acetaminophen.

How do we deal with infectious diseases?

Parents are notified in writing.

N.B.: The child's name is not mentionned.

Do we accept to give medecine to children?

We are willing to give it provided we have both the parent's authorization and a doctor's prescription.

Are parents notified when a child bites or has been bitten?

Parents are notified in both cases.

Is there a camera monitoring system in each room?

Not for now, but we are seriously considering this in the near future.

Which religious holidays do we recognize?

Even though we recognize and respect all religious beliefs, we are only closed during official statutory holidays.

Are animals allowed on the premises?

No. In order to limit the risk of allergies, it is forbiden to bring any animal to the daycare.

How do we handle toilet training?

Parents provide the "potty," but we clean it daily.

Are there provisions for children with special needs?

This obviously depends on the child's needs. Each case must be assessed individually with the administration.



Is the facility conveniently located near your home or work?

We are conveniently located close to Highway 40.

To see a road map, click here.

What are the fees for full-time childcare and part-time childcare?

We do not offer part-time childcare. Regarding full-time fees, it is preferable to make an appointment and discuss them in person.

Do we accept any kind of financial aid?

We abide by the governement norms regarding daycare rates. Details are included in the contract signed between the parent and the daycare.

Do our operating hours meet your needs?

We are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. for your convenience.

Do we have extended hours? If needed, is transportation provided?

Due to our regular operating hours, we do not believe there is a need for extended hours. As for transportation, we are willing to considering the possibility if a sufficient number of parents request it.

What is the fee for picking up your child late?

The fee is $5.00 for every 15 minutes after 6:30 p.m.

Are diapers, wipes and cream provided?

Even though we do not normally provide these items, we will do so to help parents if necessary.

Is there a discount for sibblings?

No, our fees are the same for each child.

What are our hours in the summer and during holidays?

There is no special holiday schedule. We have the same hours all year long.